Use Half is dedicated to reducing carbon emissions, making our country energy-self-sufficient and more economically competitive.
Our nation uses twice as much energy per capita than any other nation. We are uniquely vulnerable as a result...

If our nation USED HALF as much energy we could...
• Lower the cost of living for every American
• Increase employment and exports
• End oil imports from unstable nations
• Cut our foreign trade deficit by 35%
• Cut greenhouse gas emissions in half
We can. With today's technology, without compromising our lifestyle.
We'll show you how you can do it and save money.
Supply vs. Demand
American petroleum production has declined since 1970 yet consumption, and therefore, imports keep rising.

U.S. Consumption growth has tripled imports since 1983
As a result, we imported over $500 billion of foreign oil in 2008 which represented up to 80% of our trade deficit.

U.S. Petroleum Imports 1950-2006 (source: EIA)
And as we know, falling production and rising demand drove oil prices to all time records.

Source: EIA
Oil is increasingly hard to find and may have passed its peak production.
Alternative energy sources are being developed but they are costly and will take decades.
The US National Energy Policy says it well: “the best way of meeting the goal of reliable, affordable and environmentally sound energy is to increase energy efficiency by applying new technology – raising productivity, reducing wastes, and trimming costs.”
The Easy Win
Today, the United States can pluck the "low-hanging-fruit" of energy-efficient technologies that have already been developed.
With no change in quality of life, most American consumers and businesses can cut their energy consumption in half within 10 years (the depreciation and replacement life of almost everything except structures) and dramatically cut their costs.
These easy wins include shifting to fuel-efficient vehicles, energy efficient lighting & appliances, better insulation, less packaging and more economical industrial processes.
American Business And Job Growth
Technology has been the economic driver of a century of American economic leadership. Efficiency technology is the key to the next century.
American businesses are beginning to understand that saving energy can create a significant economic advantage and new jobs.
For example, the hot selling U.S. built Ford Escape Hybrid SUV gets twice the gas mileage of most SUVs. It also costs less than most SUVs, not counting the typical $1,200 per year fuel savings or the $2,600 federal hybrid tax credit. (Source: USDOT) More no compromise vehicles
Wal-Mart knows it can offer lower prices and increase profits by cutting energy consumption. It is cutting 30 percent of the energy used by its stores, reduce the amount of packaging material, and cut the fuel consumption of its truck fleet by 50% within ten years. Lower energy costs mean Wal-Mart can offer even lower prices and increase profits. Smart.
And Boeing’s new 787 Dreamliner has become the fastest selling new airliner in history because it uses 20% less fuel than current state-of-the-art aircraft.
America’s Efficiency Dividend
Through a combination of lower energy usage, lower energy prices, our efficiency dividend can put over $500 billion per year in the pockets of Americans. That's $1,500 per American per year.
The goal: half the energy consumption per capita in ten years
The ten year timeline allows a smooth transition and is an achieveable goal. It is two five-year automobile model lifecycles and exeeds the depreciation life of all assets except buildings & heavy infrastructure. However, as WalMart shows, significant gains can be made faster because the technology is on the shelf today. In 1969 America put a man on the moon – yet few nations can launch a rudimentary satellite nearly 40 years later. Americans can rise to this occasion.
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