Jun 2007
Send a Message to Congress: Do The Right Thing
06/22/07 08:02
Congress is close to delivering an energy bill that COULD cut oil imports by 15 percent and reduce tailpipe emissions by 1 billion tons according to the Consumer Federation of America by raising vehicle mileage (CAFE) standards for the first time in twenty years... Read More...
Get Smart (the car that is...)
06/15/07 06:46
The US is about to get the ultimate urban assault vehicle - not a new Hummer, the two seat Mercedes-built SMART car. SMART gets about 40 mpg, is made of most mostly recyclable materials and is the world's lowest CO2 emitting car. Read More...
Fix your PC's power-hogging habits free...
06/13/07 22:40
Did you know your PC could be consuming as much energy as a 150 watt light bulb 24 hours a day? Even while it is SUPPOSED to be sleeping your PC could be costing you $120 per year...

Hybrid Cars: out with the old, in with the cool...
06/05/07 11:33

Nissan brings out a superbe Altima Hybrid while Honda tosses its inefficient Accord "performance hybrid" which got no better mileage than its conventional (and much cheaper) conventional Accord. Honda still offers the sweet Civic Hybrid.Read More...
Our government will PAY YOU to Use Half
06/04/07 10:50

Like to receive $10,000 in tax credits and rebates if you buy a car, insulate, replace light bulbs and add solar water heating and perhaps $2,000 or more off your gas and utility bills every year for ever...? Read More...
Profiting From Using Half: Is the US missing the boat?
06/03/07 09:47

Check out the performance of Wilder-Hill New Energy Global Innovation Index (NEX) vs. the S&P 500 over the past two years... Read More...