Nov 2008
Generational Efficiency Breakthroughs...
11/30/08 20:22

Big efficiency gains remain available in all kinds of technologies, but Volvo’s 30% fuel efficiency gain is remarkable. Volvo did this by “thinking different” at the system level and created many additional advantages including maneuverability, speed and quietness.
Volvo Penta’s new IPS (Inboard Power System) marine engines get an Efficiency Technology of the Year award - the story is remarkable.Read More...
Bullet Trains in America?
11/29/08 14:30
OK, we admit it - this is the coolest video we have seen in a long time. And it’s going to happen, thanks to California voters passing a $10B bond measure. The Environmental Impact Statement is complete and it’s supported by the Sierra Club.
Electric high-speed trains are five times more efficient than flying and three times better than driving. We think the timing and technology couldn’t be better...
At Last: EU Ends The CFL Tariff...
11/28/08 12:51

"$80 to $100 Is A Fair Price For Oil..."
11/26/08 19:40