Fix your PC's power-hogging habits free...

Did you know your PC could be consuming as much energy as a 150 watt light bulb 24 hours a day? Even while it is SUPPOSED to be sleeping your PC could be costing you $120 per year...

...CO2SAVER, a free program for Windows XP and Vista has solved the problem. It gives you a simple pre-configured control panel to put the machine (and attached monitors) to sleep when needed. It also tweaks some hard-to-configure settings that defeats Windows attempts to keep a machine awake if it thinks (correctly or otherwise) that it is detecting a background task other than mouse or keyboard activity.

It can save over 2,500 lbs. of CO2...

If you're buying a new PC, check out a laptop as they often use just 20% of the power of a desktop PC & monitor (even with a big 17" screen).

Apple's all-in-one
iMac is also power-thrifty even the giant 24" screen version. (Macintoshes don't need CO2Saver as they already go to sleep when inactive.)
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